Files "cleaned" originally

John Rutter and George Shearing

Birthday Madrigals

There is a competent performance of this Work by Tamesis Chamber Choir under Louise Rapple on YouTube starting here.

Here is a "clickable" Table of the available Midi Files for this Work.

Birthday Madrigals
UNemphasized Soprano 1 Soprano 2  Alto 1   Alto 2  Tenor 1 Tenor 2  Baritone 
or Bass 1
or Bass 2
1: It was a lover and his lass yes As 1 yes As 1 yes As 1 yes yes
2: Draw on, sweet night yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
3: Come live with me yes yes yes yes yes As 1 yes yes
4: My true love hath my heart yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
5: When daisies pied yes yes yes yes yes
As 1 yes yes

That's the end of the Work.

And if something doesn't work properly, please let me know (see the "Comments" section of my Homepage).

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Files originally uploaded in Jul/17.